Kern Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard 缓解 Plan

2019 - 20更新



K白尾海雕县, along with 62 other participating jurisdictions, will develop an update to the 2012-14 Kern Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard 缓解 Plan to reduce losses resulting from natural disasters.  Hazard mitigation is the use of sustained, long-term actions to reduce the loss of life, 人身伤害, and property damage that can result from a disaster.  Benefits of mitigation planning include:

  • Identifying actions for risk reduction through collaboration with stakeholders and the public,
  • Focusing resources on the greatest risks and vulnerabilities,
  • Building partnerships by involving citizens, organizations, and businesses,
  • Increasing education and awareness of threats and hazards, as well as their risks,
  • Communicating priorities to 状态 and Federal officials, and
  • Aligning risk reduction with other community objectives.

规划 efforts could include capital projects and other pragmatic activities that can mitigate the impacts of hazards.  The 2019-20 MJHMP Update will cover each of the major natural hazards that pose risks to County infrastructure and residents.  Recognizing that successful mitigation planning efforts must be communicated and understood by the public, the County approach will include stakeholder participation and input with the use of cutting edge GIS technology to map and update the hazard information for each hazard profiled in the 2019-20 MJHMP.


The 2019-20 MJHMP update will include, at a minimum, the jurisdictions listed below.  It is understood that the County also encompasses areas of land controlled by Federal and 状态 land management agencies, including the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 土地管理局, 和垦务局.  While other levels of government have jurisdiction in these parts of the County, the Hazard 缓解 Plan could also be used to document and coordinate mitigation efforts among Federal, 状态, 以及地方司法管辖区.  除了, it will be important to invite organizations such as public and private utility companies to be stakeholders during the update process.

The following jurisdictions will meet FEMA guidelines and requirements as a formal participating agency:

  • 阿尔文市
  • 贝克斯菲尔德市
  • 加州市
  • 德拉诺市
  • 马里科帕市
  • 里奇克莱斯特市
  • 震波之城
  • 塔夫脱市
  • 德哈查皮市
  • 沃斯科市

Additional 参与辖区


  • Bakersfield City School District
  • Buttonwillow Union School District
  • Delano Joint Union High School District
  • 爱迪生学区
  • 麋鹿山学区
  • 费尔法克斯学区
  • 克恩社区学院区
  • 克恩高中区
  • 克恩维尔联合学区
  • Lost Hills Union School District
  • 莫哈韦联合学区
  • Panama-Buena Vista Union School District
  • 池塘联合学区
  • 里奇兰学区
  • Sierra Sands Unified School District
  • 塔夫脱市学区
  • Tehachapi Unified School District
  • 葡萄园学区


  • 莫哈韦航空航天港


  • 阿尔文CSD
  • 熊谷惩教署
  • 东尼罗河湾惩教署
  • 金山惩教署
  • 罗莎蒙德CSD
  • 种马泉CSD


  • 南福克MAD


  • Arvin-Edison Water Storage District
  • 贝伦达梅萨水区
  • Buena Vista Water Storage District
  • Buttonwillow County Water District
  • 卡韦洛水区
  • Greenfield County Water District
  • 克恩县水务局
  • 克恩三角洲水区
  • 克恩-图拉雷水区
  • Lost Hills水区
  • North of the River Municipal Water District
  • Semitropic Water Storage District
  • Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District
  • 西克恩水区
  • Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District


  • Buttonwillow RPD
  • 河北RPD
  • 讲诉RPD
  • 德哈查皮山谷RPD
  • 西区RPD


  • Ford City-Taft Heights Sanitation District
  • 克恩环卫局
  • North of the River Sanitary District


Turn the County layer on or off by clicking the “County” button. Switch between Jurisdiction views using the menu bar below “County.” Hover over jurisdictions to highlight the geometry and click to view the jurisdiction name.

更新要求和DMA 2000

A current and approved hazard mitigation plan is a prerequisite for jurisdictions wishing to pursue funding under the Hazard 缓解 Grant Program (HMGP) if a Federal disaster should occur.  The Stafford Act constitutes the statutory authority for most Federal disaster response and recovery activities, especially as they pertain to FEMA and FEMA programs.

On October 30, 2000, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act was amended by Public Law 106-390 and is referred to as the Disaster 缓解 Act of 2000 (DMA 2000).  作为DMA 2000的要求, the Kern MJHMP must be updated every five (5) years to remain in compliance with regulations and Federal mitigation grant conditions.  Federal regulations require hazard mitigation plans to include a plan for monitoring, 评估, and updating the hazard mitigation plan.  A current and approved hazard mitigation plan is a prerequisite for jurisdictions wishing to pursue funding under the Stafford Act.


The County of Kern is using an award from the Hazard 缓解 Grant Program (HMGP) to complete the MJHMP update.  The County has contracted with 动态规划+科学 (DP+S) to update the current Kern Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard 缓解 Plan.  DP+S will provide on-site process facilitation, 利益相关者外展, 数据收集和分析, 计划写, 战略发展.
